Did you know?
A few weeks ago, my 2 year old daughter got into my coupon tote, and DUMPED ALL MY INSERTS OUT, all over the kitchen floor!!! I was DEVASTATED!!!
I file them as soon as I get them so I know when they’re from , and use post it notes on the dividers, with the date on them…
I was POSITIVE I would NEVER be able to sort them all out and get them back in the right order….. Well, as I was sitting on the floor with Inserts all around me, I picked one up and noticed, in tiny writing on the crease, or “binding”, that there was a DATE!!!
So I looked at all of them, SmartSource, P&G, and RP, and sure enough, they all have it!!!
(pictured above, one each of RP, SS, and P&G, with the date circled in red)
I went from devastated to ecstatic in seconds!!! Other than the 2 inserts that actually flew all over, the rest took SECONDS to pick up and put back in the right place!!!
Now for those of you that already knew this, LOL YOU ARE QUICKER THAN ME!! But for those of you that didn’t, don’t feel bad… I have been couponing for a YEAR and just found out!! I am sharing this so that everyone knows what to do in the case of the 2 year old Destroyer VS Your Coupon Inserts 🙂