$0.75 off any TWO Yoplait Kid products
$0.75 off any TWO Yoplait Kid products
A new coupon just released! You can print 2 copies of $0.75 off any TWO Yoplait Kid products by hitting your back button while it’s available. Remember, sometimes the coupons go quick so don’t wait too long.
$0.30 off one Yoplait Simplait™ Yogurt
$0.30 off one Yoplait Simplait™ Yogurt
A new coupon just released! You can print 2 copies of $0.30 off one Yoplait Simplait™ Yogurt by hitting your back button while it’s available. Remember, sometimes the coupons go quick so don’t wait too long.
$0.40 off 6 Yoplait Yogurts
A new coupon just released! You can print 2 copies of $0.40 off 6 Yoplait Yogurts by hitting your back button while it’s available. Remember, sometimes the coupons go quick so don’t wait too long.
FREE Enfamil Gift Set
HOT FREEBIE from Enfamil
FREE Enfamil Gift Set
Reusable shopping tote with inside pocket
A box of 12 nursette bottles of Enfamil formula
A bottle cooler with strap that you can attach to your diaper bag or tote
A reusable ice pack
Matching coupon clutch
Coupons for Lysol and Enfamil products!
FOOD Prices will be Soaring after Harvest
FOOD Prices will be Soaring after Harvest
Do you coupon? If not, there is no better time than NOW to start! We are going to see the price of food sky rocket in the next few months!
The hot temperatures we have been experiencing in the Midwest, along with the lack of rain, has made this one of the worst growing seasons in centuries. In NINE states in the Midwest, over half of the cornfields have been deemed poor or very poor by the Federal Authorities. In fields where corn is growing, it often is growing without any ears, or even a tassel, just a tall stalk, though in the majority of the fields it is not growing at all.
How will this affect you? We as a Nation depend on corn for everything; from fuel, to our foods, which include bread, baked goods, chips, etc. To recoup their loss (Not all farmers are insured) they will have to raise the price of their corn that does make it, and in turn, companies will be forced to raise the price of their products, which will show in our pocket books.
It is not just corn that is going to be affected either; grains, vegetables, you name it. Even our Meat prices are going to rise because our animals eat the grains that are grown, or in this case, NOT GROWING. And let’s not forget about our Butter and Milk; Yup, those prices are going to rise also.
There is NO BETTER time than now to learn to live frugal and start stocking those pantries!
Stockpiling or Hoarding?
A sensitive subject in the Coupon World I know, but one I feel that needs to be covered. On Midwest Coupon Clippers Facebook Page, I have often heard, “I would LOVE to see a picture of your Stockpile!” Well Folks, You would be surprised to know, I ONLY have TWO Shelf Units in my kitchen. YES…ONLY TWO, and NOT all the shelves are for my “Stockpile.”
Yes I own a Coupon Blog, Yes I shop the Sale Cycles, Yes I am a big double Coupon Shopper…BUT that DOES NOT MEAN I am a Hoarder! On my blog page, Midwest Coupon Clippers, you WILL NOT SEE the bragging pictures of shelves and shelves full of product.
Honestly, I DO NOT SEE THE POINT. Sure, I could get 100 Razors, 100 boxes of noodles, 100 boxes of cereal, etc. for FREE…BUT WHY?
Ever had these little guys?
Once you get Pantry Moths, Getting rid of them is NO SIMPLE or in expensive task! And if you over the top stockpile, I guarantee YOU WILL GET THEM! They are already in the food you are buying. Flour, Pastas, Cereals, even Dog Food. Once this happens, ALL your Stockpile, ALL the money spent on buying coupon inserts or the ink and paper printing them is wasted.
I think often the “Stockpiling Obsession” is not about using the products, it is about that little “Rush” you get seeing everything you got for so cheap or often FREE.
If you need that feeling…that rush…that excitement of getting that deal… ADD TO THAT EXCITING FEELING and Donate these products you are “Scoring.” There honestly is no better feeling in the world then knowing you are helping someone in need! Be it another human being, or Animal. Donate, Donate, Donate.
Now, Let me explain to you what I DO Stock up on for our family personally! I shop sale cycles. (You can learn more how to do this HERE) We use a lot of BBQ Sauce, so when the summer sales hit and the coupons are out, I grab usually twenty to thirty to last throughout the year. For example last June, I got 25 bottles of Sweet Baby Rays FREE Thanks to the Sales and Coupons that were out. A few weeks ago I did the same for this year. About eight months ago I got $1/1 Gatorade Coupons, When my store ran these on sale, I not only got the Gatorade for FREE but it also turned this coupon into a $$ MoneyMaker $$ for me which in turn I could use the overage towards other groceries, like produce and meats. In this case, I stockpiled 50 to 75 Gatorades with Summer coming up at that point and Gatorade being one of my sons favorite beverages when he is out doing his sports, I knew these would be used. Another example, I recently got Snasuage Dog Treats for FREE with a Coupon and a Sale. I pre-ordered 30 of these, Kept 15 for our family dogs, and donated the other half. Besides these products, I DO NOT have an over abundance of any other products. At most maybe six of some, four or so of another.
Remember Folks, there is a FINE LINE between stockpiling and hoarding, which time and time again I see people crossing to the dark side. Stockpiling takes up room (A LOT OF ROOM) MONEY and Time! Why not keep a reasonable amount, and donate the rest? You will find a system that works right for you by buying less on a more frequent schedule. You will spend less, not waste as much, and MOST IMPORTANT be able to donate your extras and HELP OTHERS!
Kids Cooking with Clippie – Stuffed French Toast
- 4 slices cinnamon raisin bread (can use any bread)
- 1/4 cup Cream Cheese Spread
- 8 slices Deli Fresh Honey Ham
- 2 eggs
- 2 Tbsp. milk
- 2 tsp. sugar
- 2 Tbsp. maple-flavored or pancake syrup
1. SPREAD cream cheese spread onto 2 of the bread slices.
2. TOP with ham; cover with remaining 2 bread slices. Lightly press edges of each sandwich together to seal.
3. BEAT eggs, milk and sugar with fork in pie plate or square baking dish until well blended.
4. DIP sandwiches in egg mixture, turning over to evenly moisten both sides.
5. SPRAY large nostick skillet with cooking spray; heat on medium heat (adult assisted). Add sandwiches; cook 2 min. on each side or until golden brown on both sides. Serve with syrup. Makes 2 servings, one sandwich each.
My thoughts on these two “Clubs”
Cooking Club of America = 3 Months for $3
National Home Gardening Club = 3 Months for $3
** Please note these are MY PERSONAL opinions after reading reviews and investigating the company.
Their ads are popping up ALL OVER blogs since their new program was released today, offering FREE Gardening Tools and FREE Kitchen Gadgets for you to trial and keep. Reason being right now blogs that promote these get over a $5 commission each time someone signs up. Since it has shown up to be monetized by bloggers, I have been investigating this program to see if it was legit and something I would share with my members. The negatives I am finding FAR out weigh the positives by 90% Negative to 10% Positive! Members that join their programs can not cancel, keep getting charged, and we are talking HUNDREDS of dollars. PLEASE FOLKS, before joining these investigate them well on your own, I do not want to see any of you get taken like so many people have.
Rocky Rococo’s Review & Giveaway
Pan Pizza (white or wheat), Thin Crust Pizza, Stuffed Crust Pizza, Pizza by the slice…
Pastas (white & red sauce), Breadsticks, Garlic Bread, Desserts…
Want Coupons? Go HERE
Many moons ago when I was attending Junior High, a new pizza place opened right by our school Rocky Rococo’s! None of us had ever heard of this pizza, but being teenagers and having a love of hanging out together and pizza we had to try it! One night after volleyball practice a bunch of us headed over to Rocky Rococo’s to try it out. Well 25 plus years later, it is still a weekly meal for me! Usually I order delivery, but about once a month we still go to the restaurant to sit down to enjoy the atmosphere and the nostalgic feeling it brings.
If I had to choose my favorite product at Rocky’s, I honestly do not think I could pick between the breadsticks or the pizza.
WE HAVE to order the Family size breadsticks which comes with Marinara sauce and Cheese sauce to dunk these AMAZING sticks. (though granted they taste JUST AS GOOD WITHOUT BEING DIPPED)
The Pizza I LOVE is the Sausage, Mushroom, and Extra Cheese Pizza. Typing this is just making my mouth water! Guess what I think we may be having for supper tonight? They also have a new Sweet Sticks…We tried the white frosted with raspberry drizzle, and they were AWESOME! I cannot leave out the Salad Bar (at most locations) & the Pastas (red or white sauce) they offer!
What makes Rocky’s Pizza different?
1. The FRESH dough (white or whole wheat) is made daily using FOUR different rising processes
3. The sauce is not too spicy or too sweet, JUST a tangy PERFECT goodness.
4. Lets not forget their FRESH toppings, including THE BEST hand-pattied Italian sausage you will EVER EAT. (Did I mention their Italian sausage is HUGE)
5. How about the SIZE of their pizza! They do NOT CUT corners! More pizza for your buck!
You can find Rocky’s ALL OVER Wisconsin, there is even one in Minnesota & Washington State. Click HERE to find one that is closest to you! If you do not have one in your area, YOU CAN STILL try their amazing Pizza and Dipping Sauce, they Ship HERE! It works GREAT on homemade pizza or with ANY breadsticks or french bread. Find some recipes to use their sauce with HERE.