Printable Coupon: Save on on any (1) Magnum Ice Cream Bars

Save $0.75/1 Magnum Ice Cream Bars 3ct.
This coupon has an expiration date of 12/4/2019 11:59:00 PM but it may not be available that long so make sure to print this coupon and hold it for an upcoming sale! Printable coupons go quickly … so be sure to print it while you can!
Print and Save ==>Save $0.75/1 Magnum Ice Cream Bars 3ct.<==
Printable Coupon: Save $2.00 on any ONE (1) Delizza Dessert

Save $2.00 on any (1) Delizza Dessert
This coupon has an expiration date of 11/7/2019 11:59:00 PM but it may not be available that long so make sure to print this coupon and hold it for an upcoming sale! Printable coupons go quickly … so be sure to print it while you can!
Print and Save ==>Save $2.00 on any (1) Delizza Dessert <==
Printable Coupons: Save $3.75 on Ben & Jerry’s Pints
Save $1.00 On any ONE (1) Magnum Ice Cream Tub

Save $1.00 On any ONE (1) Magnum® Ice Cream Tub, 14.8 oz.
This coupon has an expiration date of 10/19/2019 11:59:00 PM but it may not be available that long so make sure to print this coupon and hold it for an upcoming sale! Printable coupons go quickly … so be sure to print it while you can!
Print and Save ==>Save $1.00 On any ONE (1) Magnum® Ice Cream Tub, 14.8 oz.<==
Printable Coupons: Save $7.75 on Talenti Gelato & Sorbetto
Printable Coupons: Save $3.75 on Ben & Jerry Pints

- Save $0.75 on any (2) Ben & Jerry’s pints
- Save $1.00 on any (3) Ben & Jerry’s pints
- Save $2.00 on any (4) Ben & Jerry’s pints
These coupons have an expiration date of 9/2/2019 11:59:00 PM but it may not be available long print and hold it for an upcoming sale! Printable coupons go quickly … so be sure to print it while you can!
Homemade Ice Cream in a Bag
Homemade Ice Cream in a Bag
With record setting heat hitting us the next few days, I thought why not give Ice Cream in a Bag a whirl! Who doesn’t love rich, creamy, fresh churned ice cream?
With a few kids on board, take advantage of the manual labor and let them beat the heat with a fun cool treat while burning some energy. I mean, its practically EDUCATIONAL – after all it is a science experiment!!
Turn a few every day ingredients into ice cream in a flash! Mix, pour & shake. That is it! Who doesn’t love something that easy!
The first batch, we did with a baggie in a larger baggie. It worked great, but we had trouble keeping the bag sealed. For the second experiment we put the baggie inside a Rubbermaid container and tossed, shook & danced around with the container and found much better success.
Give it a try:
- 1/2 c. heavy cream
- 1/2 c. milk
- 2 T. sugar
- 1 t. vanilla
- 1 qt. zip-top bag
- 1 gallon zip-top bag or large Rubbermaid/plastic container
- 3-4 c. ice
- 1/3 c. salt (table salt is FINE!)
Now here is where the magic happens:
Wisk together the sugar, vanilla, and milk until sugar is dissolved. Pour into the quart size bag. Now seal the baggie up REALLY WELL. Add the ice and salt to the gallon bag or the plastic container. Place the quart bag inside the larger bag or container. Seal it up TIGHT.
NOW, go crazy! Dance, shake, toss that bag/container around. Keep it moving. It takes about 5 minutes to firm up with a lot of good motion. We took it outside and threw it around and everyone gave it a good shake when they caught it. Make it a dance party or a game of hot potato! If you shake it longer, it will get more firm. We ended up going about 10 minutes total and got a very thick and frozen ice cream.
The first try with the double baggie method was not as easy. The larger bag opened up several times making things wet and messy! Not a terrible thing, but if you are using 2 baggies, consider this an outside activity! My opinion is the quart size baggie in a Rubbermaid worked MUCH better!
Remember, if you are outside, it may take longer or you may need to add more ice. Once the bag is firm and set, take it inside to serve up! Give the quart bag a quick rinse under COLD water to get the salt residue off. Nip a corner off and serve it up in cups!
This makes about TWO 1/2 cup servings. Top with sprinkles, chocolate or fruit! It does melt quickly, and you could toss it into the freezer to firm up after shaking. It is definitely a SOFT SERVE style, but tastes quite good!
NOTE: If you do not have heavy cream, you could use half & half or whole milk. It will not have the same rich, smooth consistency but will taste the same and freeze just as fun!
Printable Coupon: Save $1.50 on Häagen-Dazs, Outshine, Drumstick, or Edy’s Products

Save $1.50 on (3) 8oz or larger Häagen-Dazs, Outshine, Drumstick, or Edy’s products
This coupon has an expiration date of 8/15/2019 11:59:00 PM but it may not be available that long so make sure to print this coupon and hold it for an upcoming sale! Printable coupons go quickly … so be sure to print it while you can!
Print and Save ==>Save $1.50 on (3) 8oz or larger Häagen-Dazs, Outshine, Drumstick, or Edy’s products<==
$1.50 off any one Breyers, Magnum or Fruttare
$1.50 off any one Breyers, Magnum or Fruttare
Don’t miss the Ice Cream coupon that is available! Remember, you can print 2 copies of $1.50 off any one Breyers, Magnum or Fruttare.
This coupon has an expiration date of 9/23/2014 11:59:00 PM but it may not be available that long so make sure to print this coupon and hold it for an upcoming sale! Printable coupons go quickly … so be sure to print it while you can!
Print and Save ==>$1.50 off any one Breyers, Magnum or Fruttare<==