The $22.79 Cadbury Creme Egg
(The BEST I have EVER had!)
Written Easter of 2012
Let me start by saying, there is a reason for EVERYTHING in this world! Even my yearly craving for a Cadbury Creme Egg! I am not looking for praise or recognition, just a reminder to everyone to Pay it Forward in life <3 ~ Micki
The Cadbury Creme Egg is BY FAR my favorite Candy! There is nothing better then cracking it in half, licking out the creme, and then eating that AMAZING smooth milk chocolate! As a child, my mother made sure my Easter Basket was filled with them. And doing the best I could, I would ration them, eating only one every few days, seeing as I had to wait a year for them to come around again! As I have gotten older my Mom still to this day makes me up an Easter Basket and puts some in for me!
Last night, after a nice Dinner and evening with my husband, we were driving up Highway 41, when suddenly the craving hit me, I had resisted the temptation for the whole Easter Season so far! Being close to the Kwik Trip by Fox River Shopping Mall, Hubby pulled in. (After twenty years of being together HE KNOWS when my sweet tooth hits, it is in his best interest to fulfill my request)
It was about 11pm, As we were pulling up to the Gas Station, there was a guy walking around the parking lot talking on his cell phone, which at that point, I thought nothing of it. We walked into the gas station, and I made a bee line to the Candy Section, Spotting a whole box of these little Gems. Glancing at the price, $.79, I thought to myself, “Oh My how the price of Candy has gone up in my 40 years of life!” No hesitation though, I had to have it!
Walking up to counter, standing there was the Parking Lot Cell phone guy at that register next to me, he was talking to the Cashier and talking to someone on his cell phone also. Not trying to be nosey, but hearing, “No, it is not working, I am not sure what to do!” During this time the other Cashier was checking out a lady in front of us. As we stood there, we next hear “It is off of 41.” I still have not put two and two together. It is our turn next to check out, a few more minutes have passed. Behind us we hear him calling someone else, and him say “I can’t leave, they won’t let me.”
At this point two and two is equaling four! Hubby and I both look at each other at the same time. Looking over at the other cashier, My husband asks, “How much does he owe?” The Cashier says, “$22” as my husband is already handing her his Debit Card. I turned around to the guy who is still on the phone trying to find someone to bring him some money and say to him, “Don’t worry, we got it!” He literally stood there with shock on his face, then out came “No, you can’t do that.” After a little bit of persuading, he said, “At least give me your cell or address or something so I can send it to you.” I just kept saying “Not a problem, Do not worry about it.” He keeps saying “Thank You, You have no idea what this means!” Shakes my husbands hand and turns and hugs me, and still as he is walking out the door with us is saying “Thank you and God Bless you both!”
We climb into our SUV, He climbs into his Mini Van and you can still see the shock on his face as he is dialing his cell phone. As we get back on the Highway, Carry and I both look at each other smiling, not saying a thing, Just smiling, as I slowly eat my Cadbury Creme Egg, Enjoying it more then ANY other one I have eaten in my life!
WHAT AN AMAZING FEELING to do something so little, that I know had a huge impact on not only us, but on the guy we helped, the Cashiers who both Thanked us and said it was so kind of us, and the other customers in the Kwik Trip who all stood there with surprised looks on their faces.
I would like to think, at some point, hopefully this guy will be in a situation similar to what just occurred and look back and do the same and Pay it Forward. That $22.79 Cadbury Creme Egg was the BEST I have ever eaten, worth EVERY CENT!
Love it!
Such a nice thing to do!
I often do the same thing to people behind me at the drive-thru, I just ask for their totals, then pay it. Just makes you feel good, paying it forward 🙂
Awesome you are a amazing person Good for you be proud!
You are an amazing person!!! I’ve done that before, where I fronted the person in front of me one time $10 and didn’t think anything about it. A year later, this lady comes walking up to me at a store in Nacodoches and handed me money, I totally forgot about it, didn’t even know she remembered me, but I feel good that my giving sticks with people.
God bless you, and thanks for sharing the encounter!! And I agree that is the best Easter Candy ever!! I crave it, too and it’s the only one I search for during Easter because of my childhood memories!!
that’s awesome!!!!!!!!! and I bet he will pay it forward
Thanks Steph. And I truly hope so <3
How wonderful! Not too long ago we were at Wal-Mart later at night and as we were pulling out there was a woman on the corner holding a sign and a bible. As we passed her my husband and I both said to each other we needed to go back and give her money. We turned around and gave her a $10. Sooooo glad we did. She said she was from out of town and her wallet fell out of her car door and she had no money now to make it home.
Bless you Michelle <3
I Praise the Lord for people like you. I’ve been in tight situation with money also and my parents have helped me. I love to help others now that we have the money to do so. I love to give back since we’ve gotten money also. It’s a great feeling.
Love hearing stories like this!! Reminds me that yes, there are still nice people around!