Shopmium Money Saving Smart Phone App
Love Ibotta, Checkout 51 and Saving Star? Shopmium is the latest great app for smart phone users to save even more money on products they regularly purchase!!
First you will need to go here and download the app to your smart phone. When you open the app you will be asked for a referral code.
USE our Referral Code: GMEEHKPM – You will get a FREE Lindt Chocolate Bar!
Now that you are all set up, it’s time to start earning money! This is SUPER easy!
First, choose an offer in your list (they customize your list to products that you purchase, so you won’t end up with 4 pet food offers if you don’t have pets!) that you would like. This is called “discovering” the offer. Simply click on the offer, and it will open up with all the details for that offer. Then head to the store of YOUR choice and purchase that item. Yes, you read that right! ANY store that gives you a detailed receipt listing the store name, and product information will be accepted!!
After you purchase the item, log back into the Shopmium app and request your refund. Simply scan the barcode of the purchased item and take a photo of your receipt with your phones camera and submit. You will be asked to link your PayPal information to your account to receive your refund. At the current time, this is their only cash out option available. There is no minimum to cash out, because the funds are transferred DIRECTLY to your PayPal account!
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