$$ Money Under the Doormat $$
We all have some New Years Traditions we do every year. This is one I learned from my Grandma.
Every New Years Eve when I was younger, My parents would have a “Get Together” at our house, so that meant my sister and I got to spend the night with my grandparents. My Grandma had a few odd traditions, Like eating Pickled Herring at Midnight; This one I did not partake in, lol. One that I do still carry on today though, is putting Money under the doormat outside before the New Year rings in.
I remember vividly my Grandma pulling out her coin purse and fumbling around in it to find a quarter, and then together we would step outside and put it under the doormat before the clock struck 12. The next morning, you bring the quarter back in during the New Year.
It is said doing this, will insure that you have a financially comfortable New Year in your household. (Possibly a German tradition?)
We have continued this tradition on with our son, and he has taken it one step further. He puts out one quarter, one dime, one nickel, and one penny!
I of course know this is a “Tradition” that very possibly does not work, but isn’t carrying on fun traditions like this generation to generation what family is all about?
One of our traditions from the deep south (I guess) is to eat black eyed peas on New Years to bring in money for all the peas you eat 🙂