Health Benefits of Grapefruits
Did you know Grapefruits are not only delicious, but have MANY Health Benefits? Why not peel one and enjoy today, or grab a glass of 100% Grapefruit juice for the same benefits!
** If you take medications, please check with your doctor or pharmacist before starting a regular routine of eating grapefruit, Grapefruit can interfere with some medications.
Grapefruit Helps in Cancer Prevention
Lycopene , which is what makes Grapefruit pink or red, is a powerful agent against tumors and cancers because it acts as a scavenger of cancer-causing free radicals.
Grapefruit Helps you lose weight
Grapefruit has less sodium, higher water content AND is high in enzymes that burns fat in our bodies. Basically, Grapefruit helps kick our bodies metabolism in to overdrive.
Grapefruit Helps Arthritis
Salicylic acid found in Grapefruits helps break down the body’s inorganic calcium. Inorganic calcium builds up in the cartilage of our joints, which in turn leads to arthritis.
Grapefruits Helps Lower Cholesterol
Grapefruits (Red Especially) help lower Cholesterol. This is from the antioxidants in them. It is believed both fresh and juice help.
* Please check with your doctor or pharmacist before starting a Grapefruit regiment. Certain medications (Depression, High Blood Pressure, and more) can have a negative effect if to much grapefruit is consumed.
Eating Grapefruit also helps these Common Ailments:
- Common Cold
- Dissolve Gallstones
- Boosts your immune system to fight infections
- Aids in Digestion
- Gives your skin a beautiful glow
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