Find out which Newspaper is the BEST to get in your area!
Important Note: For me personally, My Paper does carry the Red Plum, Smart Source, and the P&G, BUT with my Red Plum inserts, It is usually MOSTLY ADS and not a lot of coupons. I have found it more beneficial to order my Inserts from bigger populated city like Tampa Bay so I am guaranteed to get all the HIGHER VALUE Coupons. You can look into ordering inserts HERE, this is the place I use!
Want to find out what is the best Newspaper to buy in your city? Check which Newspaper carries all Three Common Coupon Inserts! The Red Plum, Smart Source, and the Procter and Gamble.
Red Plum: Check HERE to see what Newspapers in your area carries the Red Plum Coupon Insert’s
(In some area’s your RedPlum Coupon Inserts will be mailed to you)
P&G: Check HERE to see what Newspapers in your area carries the Procter and Gamble Coupon Insert’s
(The P&G comes out once a month, usually the first Sunday)
Smart Source: Smart Source is a little harder to find out. You can contact someone at News America Marketing by filling out the Contact Us Form HERE or by calling 1-800-462-0852.
Bobbi Kilbarger says
I wish there was a list of what version of the inserts came in each paper. Every week, we buy the Rockford Register Star and the Chicago Tribune. The Star has the same number of inserts usually (sometimes fewer), but has half the coupons because it’s packed with the advertising/order products pages. We have to buy it though because my husband wants the store circulars that the Tribune doesn’t include.