I know there are several times when I shop that I forget to take one of my re-useable shopping bags so I end up getting another plastic bag. I now have a plastic bag collection, so I decided to search if there were things around the house that I could use the bags for(besides recycling them at the store) and here are some of the uses I found.
1. If you know how to crochet you can use the plastic bags same as you would yarn to create a rug (which would be great for a mud room), purse, tote bag, etc. Pretty much anything you can make using yarn you can use plastic bags as a replacement. Click here to go to eHow
2. You can use them as packing filler in packages rather than newspaper or packing peanuts.
3. Keep some in your car to cover muddy shoes.
4. Great to keep in a diaper bag to wrap used diapers before throwing away.
5. Use them to line a kitty litter box to speed up cleaning.
6. You can use them to stuff both shoes and purses to help them hold their shape while being stored.
7. Use them to cover outdoor plants.
8. Use them to cover your hands to pick up dirty or sticky items.
9. Use them to cover the table for kids arts projects.
10. Put ice in bag for a quick ice pack.