FORGET the BLEACH! Add some BRIGHT BLUE to your Whites!
Yes you heard me right! Stop using that yellowing, smelly bleach in your wash! ADD a BRIGHT BLUE T-Shirt to your load of Whites! I GUARANTEE your whites will be brighter than they EVER HAVE BEEN!
I will not get all technical, but do you remember your parents and grandparents talking about “bluing?” It is the same concept! The Blue makes the whites, WHITER! A great example would be when painters are painting a picture, they will add a tint of blue to make their white BRIGHTER, it will intensify the whiteness! When blue is added, white reflects more light.
If you have a smelly/musty odor you need to tackle, Grab a bottle of BLUE Pine Sol and throw in a capful! Works the Same!
TRY IT FOR YOURSELF in a load, you will be AMAZED!
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