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Cudding Coupons and Saving You Some Moolah
By Micki 26 Comments
STOP Complaining – IT WAS FREE!
I am getting back up on my soap box here! With the recent “Oops” situations with Brita over their Rebate, The complaints on companies Facebook pages when they are offering a FREEBIE or a Coupon, and now the Kingsford Charcoal Coupon, and seeing how rude people are acting over all of this, I HAVE HAD ENOUGH!
People, These companies DO NOT HAVE TO OFFER US ANYTHING! Realize that! If you get a FREE product, or if you get a coupon, be happy you did! If you did not, OH WELL, be happy for others that did! Again I will say, these companies owe us NOTHING!
If so many “Fans” keep acting like this, and filling their Facebook pages, emails, and ringing their phones of the hook with negative comments and actions, WE WILL see NOTHING being offered by these companies, So who is getting hurt in the long run?
With the Brita Rebate, the company tracks how many Rebate forms are downloaded and printed. There were blogs uploading the PDF file to their own pages, which in turn the company does not know how many were printed. From what I am seeing with the Kingsford Charcoal coupon, THERE was a legitimate coupon through for a short period of time, but there were also illegal coupons out at the same time. The ones that were printed on are legitimate and will be honored and the stores you use them at will be reimbursed.
In both situations (Brita & Kingsford) the company is honoring the coupons or rebates. Was there really a need for all the negative threats on their facebook pages? COME ON FOLKS, they are just coupons!
And as far as Facebook pages offering limited freebies or Coupons. With the internet, and the hundreds of thousands of people’s rushing to their pages to get them, YOU WILL HAVE pages crashing from too much activity, it is just how it works! If YOU CHOOSE to sit for hours trying to get a coupon or freebie at a site, and then are unable to because either they run out or they have technical difficulties, that was YOUR choice to sit there and wait!
Bottom line, If you are that upset (human nature sometimes), LEAVE THAT PAGE, No need to leave a nasty comment and ruin it for the rest of us in the future. If you are like me, leave a comment and say, “Thanks for the chance!” If you get the Freebie or Coupon, MAKE SURE YOU THANK THEM!
Alright, I am stepping back down off my Soap Box…For now that is 🙂
~ Micki
Owner of Midwest Coupon Clippers (Our Blog)
Wisconsin Coupon Clippers – Nationwide (Our Facebook Page)
By Micki 8 Comments
Has anyone else noticed the PURE INSANITY in the coupon world lately? Since when did Being a Couponer mean Being a RUDE COUPONER? Sure there has always been the occasional RUDE couponer here and there, but lately, no matter where I go shopping, I am seeing them. Blocking the aisles, clearing the shelves, Not caring who’s way they are in or that they are leaving no product on the shelves for other customers!
The other night at my local Wal-Mart, there was a lady with two shopping carts, and a stack of coupons (and by stack I mean a STACK) with her list in hand. She had AT LEAST 100 razors in her cart, shaving gels, and a GOOD amount of KY Jelly, when I left she was making her way to the Trial section. She was on a mission, and did not care who’s way she was getting in with her two carts or the fact she was cleaning the shelves! I had to wonder with that many razors if she possibly had a family of Bigfoot and had a lot of shaving to do? Now you may be thinking what I did at first also, She may be an ethical person and donate all her couponing products… but, I have found most of the people who donate (myself included) instead of clearing shelves, pre-order their products from the store, so that they do not clear the shelves! (This is just common courtesy to other customers)
Honestly, I just do not understand the whole “Stockpiling” concept, but that is a whole different blog post! I do understand “Normal Stockpiling” or products you use on a regular basis for different products that sale cycle on a yearly basis, but stocking hundreds of razors or boxes of cereal that will give you pantry moths before you even get to eat it all and take up A LOT of room in your house, I just do not get it! Ok…Sorry…I got side tracked, back to rude couponers…
Here are a few “Golden Rules” I wish all couponers would follow.
Bottom line, no matter if you are couponing to help your family financially (which many many of us are now of days just to put food on the table) or if you are couponing to donate to your local shelters, lets all follow the rules and put an end to the rude couponers! Being a couponer is hard enough, with the actions above, this is exactly why we are getting the comments from other shoppers in line with us, or the attitude from some cashiers. Not to mention the restrictions stores are putting on coupons and transactions now. If things do not change, in a few years, or even less there will be NO STORES allowing coupons, and where will we all be then? Those of us who do coupon ethically will be wondering again how we can put food on the table, and the “RUDE Stockpiling GREEDY Couponers” will be left with a stockpile full of pantry moths! (Oh wait…and some silky smooth legs for years to come)
By Micki 17 Comments
Hello, and Welcome to my Website, Midwest Coupon Clippers. I have had my website since October of 2011.
I am Married to an AMAZING man, and a person I can say is TRULY my Best Friend! Carry and I met when I was 18 and he was 19, we were best friends for years, and from there, fell in love. We have had our ups and down like there are in any relationships in our earlier years, but now are inseparable, we have one of those relationships where we tell each other everything. We have one son who is 21, his name is Alex, and he is a chip off the old block, he is a carbon copy of his father, very kind, very soft-spoken, and smart as can me. He is currently a Junior in college, and will be starting Pre-Med. Pharmacy after getting his Biology degree. We also have our Brittney. Brittney is 25, and who we like to call our “Dropped Egg.” In our hearts, she is our Daughter, and how much her and I are alike, is sometimes scary. She recently blessed us with a beautiful grand baby, Natalie, who is the apple of her grandpa’s eye. Britt and Alex even fight like brother and sister at times. (Oh the stories I could tell) We are so truly proud of both of them!
I have a few passions in life. My family first and foremost of course. I also LOVE couponing and living a frugal lifestyle, and sharing with others how to do the same! I originally started a Facebook page called Wisconsin Coupon Clippers back in the summer of 2011. I started this after watching a current T.V. show called Extreme Couponing. Honestly, I WAS SO frustrated when I watched it the first time, seeing people stockpile products like they were doing. And it was so unrealistic! I decided it would be a good time to start a page and show people how YOU REALLY CAN extreme coupon, for the right products and food and save your family a GOOD AMOUNT each month in your budget. I also wanted to show people, that YES you can get a lot of FREE products, but do you really need 100 razors, bars of soap, or pet food? Why not coupon, AND donate and help others at the same time! Because of the phenomenal response I got on my Facebook page, I decided to take it one step further and start a website nationwide. My website Midwest Coupon Clippers, launched in October 2011.
Another passion of mine, is traveling to Florida (Gulf area) and Disney. 12 years ago now, we went on our first trip to Florida, and since then I have been hooked! We try to go at least twice a year if possible. I have a love for the Ocean, and could spend hours and hours just sitting on the beach, It is so peaceful and relaxing. After a week on the beach, we head over to the “Most Magical Place in the World.” Any of you that have visited the Magical Kingdom and walked up Main Street U.S.A towards Cinderella’s Castle knows exactly why it is called this. I not only love Disney because of the atmosphere, but also because of what Disney in general does for our enviroment and donating and helping worthy causes.
So that is me in a nutshell. I am a larger woman, or as my hubby likes to say, “I am Pooh sized!” (Winnie the Pooh that is) It is who I am and probably always will be. I love myself, and that is what matters! I have NEVER let my weight hold me back or interfere with my life, and never will! I am VERY outgoing, LOVE meeting new people, and I speak my mind. I love helping people and truly believe we are put on this earth to help others!
~ Micki <3
By Micki 2 Comments
Since the release of the new $MoneyMaker$ KY Jelly Coupon that was released, Oh the chuckles that have come, and many Couponers embarrassed to print the coupon. Well…How about an idea showing how to use it? (If you want you can even explain to the cashier you are making Christmas Snow Globes) Personally, It is a $.38 overage at Wal-Mart per coupon, PLUS I can donate them to my local Animal Shelter, Win-Win Situation, Whoever see’s me purchasing it can think what they want!
KY Jelly works GREAT in HomeMade Snow Globes! Clean out the baby food Jar and sterilize it. Glue a cute little figurine or whatever you would like to the lid. (Let it dry) Add your KY Jelly (giggle giggle) to the Jar, Add some glitter, Hot Glue the top on, and THERE YOU GO!
So GO AND PRINT THIS KY JELLY COUPON, Buy it proudly and help the kids make some cute Gifts!
$3.00 off any K-Y Brand Product
Buy (1) K-Y Jelly 2 oz $2.62
Use (1) $3.00 off K-Y Brand Product Printable
Final Cost FREE + $0.38 in Overage
Important Note: For me personally, My Paper does carry the Red Plum, Smart Source, and the P&G, BUT with my Red Plum inserts, It is usually MOSTLY ADS and not a lot of coupons. I have found it more beneficial to order my Inserts from bigger populated city like Tampa Bay so I am guaranteed to get all the HIGHER VALUE Coupons. You can look into ordering inserts HERE, this is the place I use!
Want to find out what is the best Newspaper to buy in your city? Check which Newspaper carries all Three Common Coupon Inserts! The Red Plum, Smart Source, and the Procter and Gamble.
Red Plum: Check HERE to see what Newspapers in your area carries the Red Plum Coupon Insert’s
(In some area’s your RedPlum Coupon Inserts will be mailed to you)
P&G: Check HERE to see what Newspapers in your area carries the Procter and Gamble Coupon Insert’s
(The P&G comes out once a month, usually the first Sunday)
Smart Source: Smart Source is a little harder to find out. You can contact someone at News America Marketing by filling out the Contact Us Form HERE or by calling 1-800-462-0852.