Hello, and Welcome to my Website, Midwest Coupon Clippers. I have had my website since October of 2011.
I am Married to an AMAZING man, and a person I can say is TRULY my Best Friend! Carry and I met when I was 18 and he was 19, we were best friends for years, and from there, fell in love. We have had our ups and down like there are in any relationships in our earlier years, but now are inseparable, we have one of those relationships where we tell each other everything. We have one son who is 21, his name is Alex, and he is a chip off the old block, he is a carbon copy of his father, very kind, very soft-spoken, and smart as can me. He is currently a Junior in college, and will be starting Pre-Med. Pharmacy after getting his Biology degree. We also have our Brittney. Brittney is 25, and who we like to call our “Dropped Egg.” In our hearts, she is our Daughter, and how much her and I are alike, is sometimes scary. She recently blessed us with a beautiful grand baby, Natalie, who is the apple of her grandpa’s eye. Britt and Alex even fight like brother and sister at times. (Oh the stories I could tell) We are so truly proud of both of them!
I have a few passions in life. My family first and foremost of course. I also LOVE couponing and living a frugal lifestyle, and sharing with others how to do the same! I originally started a Facebook page called Wisconsin Coupon Clippers back in the summer of 2011. I started this after watching a current T.V. show called Extreme Couponing. Honestly, I WAS SO frustrated when I watched it the first time, seeing people stockpile products like they were doing. And it was so unrealistic! I decided it would be a good time to start a page and show people how YOU REALLY CAN extreme coupon, for the right products and food and save your family a GOOD AMOUNT each month in your budget. I also wanted to show people, that YES you can get a lot of FREE products, but do you really need 100 razors, bars of soap, or pet food? Why not coupon, AND donate and help others at the same time! Because of the phenomenal response I got on my Facebook page, I decided to take it one step further and start a website nationwide. My website Midwest Coupon Clippers, launched in October 2011.
Another passion of mine, is traveling to Florida (Gulf area) and Disney. 12 years ago now, we went on our first trip to Florida, and since then I have been hooked! We try to go at least twice a year if possible. I have a love for the Ocean, and could spend hours and hours just sitting on the beach, It is so peaceful and relaxing. After a week on the beach, we head over to the “Most Magical Place in the World.” Any of you that have visited the Magical Kingdom and walked up Main Street U.S.A towards Cinderella’s Castle knows exactly why it is called this. I not only love Disney because of the atmosphere, but also because of what Disney in general does for our enviroment and donating and helping worthy causes.
So that is me in a nutshell. I am a larger woman, or as my hubby likes to say, “I am Pooh sized!” (Winnie the Pooh that is) It is who I am and probably always will be. I love myself, and that is what matters! I have NEVER let my weight hold me back or interfere with my life, and never will! I am VERY outgoing, LOVE meeting new people, and I speak my mind. I love helping people and truly believe we are put on this earth to help others!
~ Micki <3
Well its about time we finally get to know more about you wench.I have been stalking your page seems like forever now and never knew the person behind the cow speckled page lol.I love this post and the pics are wonderful.Thank you for all that you do and I know I haven’t stalked as much as I usually do lately but I still sneak by when I get a chance :).And you are beautiful doesnt matter what size or shape you are.Its whats inside that makes the person in my book.Merry Christmas to you and yours!!!!!
Thanks for sharing! I feel like I know you better already! Keep up the good work!
Thank you for telling us more about yourself. I am a little new to the site but I want to say thank you for having it! I have always used coupons, but never as much as I do now. I use to coupon because I always like saving money, even though we had plently of money to pay full price. Now that our situation has changed and couponing has become more then just a hobby.
I will try to over look the number 4 jersey….
Thanks for sharing! Seems lot longer than summer that I have been learning from your tips! Thanks for everything! Now I can put a face behind the name.. Have a Merry Christmas.
guys she is a wonderful person with a huge heart. ive known her since 9th grade so yeah long time and she has ALWAYS even as a kid wanted to help others and had a smile on her face while doing it. she is a micky fanatic though lol but im a pooh nut so i cant say much.
It is great to finally get to know more about you. Love this website. Come here everyday. I am so glad that you decided to share your knowledge with us. Thank you so much.
Hi, I live in Arizona, how I got to your sight I don’t remember, but I have it on my facebook page and look at it everyday and love your cow theme it makes me feel good I feel at home…lol. I am originally from Iowa and all my family is still there so have been telling daughter etc. to take a look at it. I thought you had been blogging for ever wouldn’t have guessed just since October. Keep up the great work and sharing your knowledge with us.
Thanks Cindy
Your family looks lovely. 🙂 I really think that you guys bond a lot. Thanks for sharing your story. I’m looking forward for more stories. 😉
thanks for sharing and all that you do for us we appreciate it congrats on the grand baby! happy new year
Nice Bio and thanks for sharing. I was thinking the other day how I had found your Facebook page just this past summer and how much you’ve grown. I had no idea that you had just started during that time. Thanks for all of you help. When a friend asked if I wanted to go out on Black Friday to the mall, my response was “My First stop will be Walgreens.” I would rather get good deals on personal products and food rather than clothes are things that I don’t really need.
Thanks for sharing! You have a great website-Keep up the Great Work!
Love you cousin! You are an awesome writer and truly inspirational person. I wish you much success. You are thought of often, though I don’t talk to you often. Miss you and your family!
Michelle ( don’t know why, but just can’t call you Micki) is really a great person. She and I go back about 25 years or so. Isn’t that scary? She’s helpful and caring and very loving. I envy her relationship with her husband. Thanks for all the time you put into your site and Facebook page. You save so many people so much money! You are so awesome! I’m so blessed to know you. Congrats on everything you do!
Thank you for sharing – wow your website has been only up since OCTOBER! In less than 4 months time, and you will probably hit 10,000 fans!
Love ya Micki!! My recipe/coupon site thrives because of you. And you’ve been a God-send during times of illness when I couldn’t be online.
after reading your intro I just have to write. My daughter and I have decided that we are not larger girls. What we are is fun sized.
Thank you for what you do.
LOVE it Brenda 🙂