Chicken Soup for the Soul: From Lemons to Lemonade
My latest book that I was given to review is “Chicken Soup for the Soul: From Lemons to Lemonade” So are you one of the type of people who sees the glass half full or half empty? No matter what your answer is this book is for you.
If you are a half full kind of person, then this book will help to inspire you further. Chapter 44 titled “Public Assistance” is one that I copied and shared with a friend who works in that type office. I loved how a person turned that situation from going into this office to later working there. It shows how situations present themselves even when you are not looking for it.
If you are a glass is half empty kind of person this may inspire you as well to find the good in difficult circumstances and situations. One story called “Love Lids” Chapter 73 really caught be off guard. How could two people who were separated for years make the decision to live in the same house due to financial and convenience issues and expect it to work? Well this story is what happened, and I love it. It shows how some things don’t happen overnight but that if you are looking for the positive rather than focusing on the negative it can improve the situation.
If you follow our Facebook Page (Wisconsin Coupon Clippers) you may have noticed a post “Daily Reason to be Thankful”. This is where in circumstances that I try to find the positive in the situation rather than the negative.
Thank you for taking the time to read my review. If you want to purchase a copy of the book “Chicken Soup for the Soul: Lemons to Lemonade” please follow this link to purchase it on Amazon.
Or THREE Lucky Fans will have the opportunity to win a copy of their own. Follow the directions below to enter!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclaimer: This Post May Contain Affiliate Links and a copy of the book was provided free to reviewer. You can view Midwest Coupon Clippers Disclosure Policy Here: http://
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