Fireworks with Q-Tips
(Fun Art Project for the little ones)
Supplies Needed:
- Q-Tips
- Food Coloring
- Black Construction Paper
- Bowl & Water
- Scissors
- Glue (I prefer glue stick’s)
- Art Smock or Old T-Shirt
Step 1- 5 for the Adult’s
Step 1) Get your supplies together. I suggest putting newspaper down on the table before “Coloring” your Q-Tips in Water.
Step 2) With a scissors, Cut your Q-Tips in Half.
Step 3) Mix your food coloring in bowls with water, depending on what color you want or how bright you want them, will depend on how much food coloring to use.
Step 4) Soak your Q-Tip halves in the colored water for at least 15 minutes. (The longer you leave them in the water, the more brilliant they will get)
Step 5) Let your Q-Tips’s dry in FULL SUN if possible for at least two hours on a few layered pieces of paper.
Step 6) Put Glue on Construction Paper in a firework shape.
Step 7) Let your little artist pick and choose which color they would like to put on their masterpiece! The MORE Firework BOOMS the Better! Have them press them down firmly. (For a little added sparkle you could also incorporate some glitter)
Step 8) Let dry for an hour to ensure their firework’s stay in place.
THAT IS IT! Enjoy, and HAPPY 4th of July Everyone!
Thanks To Landon, our little artist! You did a GREAT JOB!
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