Has anyone else noticed the PURE INSANITY in the coupon world lately? Since when did Being a Couponer mean Being a RUDE COUPONER? Sure there has always been the occasional RUDE couponer here and there, but lately, no matter where I go shopping, I am seeing them. Blocking the aisles, clearing the shelves, Not caring who’s way they are in or that they are leaving no product on the shelves for other customers!
The other night at my local Wal-Mart, there was a lady with two shopping carts, and a stack of coupons (and by stack I mean a STACK) with her list in hand. She had AT LEAST 100 razors in her cart, shaving gels, and a GOOD amount of KY Jelly, when I left she was making her way to the Trial section. She was on a mission, and did not care who’s way she was getting in with her two carts or the fact she was cleaning the shelves! I had to wonder with that many razors if she possibly had a family of Bigfoot and had a lot of shaving to do? Now you may be thinking what I did at first also, She may be an ethical person and donate all her couponing products… but, I have found most of the people who donate (myself included) instead of clearing shelves, pre-order their products from the store, so that they do not clear the shelves! (This is just common courtesy to other customers)
Honestly, I just do not understand the whole “Stockpiling” concept, but that is a whole different blog post! I do understand “Normal Stockpiling” or products you use on a regular basis for different products that sale cycle on a yearly basis, but stocking hundreds of razors or boxes of cereal that will give you pantry moths before you even get to eat it all and take up A LOT of room in your house, I just do not get it! Ok…Sorry…I got side tracked, back to rude couponers…
Here are a few “Golden Rules” I wish all couponers would follow.
- DO NOT CLEAR SHELVES! This is just down right RUDE! If you are going to take over 25% of the product on the shelf, walk to the service desk and order what you want! (I am sure you will be going back to the store in the near future)
- DO NOT COPY COUPONS! It is illegal! This happens A LOT with coupons that give an overage or gives you a FREE product. Is that $.30 overage really worth having a criminal record or even worse going to jail? AND yes, THEY CAN TRACK YOU DOWN with the coupon!
- DO NOT BE RUDE TO THE CASHIER! What gives you the right? How would you feel if she came to your job and was rude to you?
- DO NOT BE RUDE TO OTHER CUSTOMERS IN LINE! Did your coupon not scan? You do not have enough items for a coupon and you got a beep? DO NOT HOLD UP the other customers waiting in line! If it is a quick fix, get it fixed, but if it is a lengthy debate, tell the cashier to either void out your order so you can fix your mistake (not the right product or not enough of the product) or tell them you no longer want that certain product and just let your transaction go through, then go and deal with it at the service desk.
- DO NOT USE THE WRONG COUPON! Make sure you get the right product and size that is stated on the coupon! Always check the product size and number of products you have to purchase to use the coupon. When the stores get reimbursed by the company they have to show the coupon went to the correct product, if it is wrong, THEY DO NOT GET REIMBURSED!)
- DO NOT TAKE THE WHOLE STACK OF COUPONS ON PULL TABS! The store has put these there for their other customers also! Technically you are only supposed to take a coupon for the product you are buying AT THAT TIME, but if you can not help yourself, limit yourself to two coupons!
- DO NOT STEAL FROM THE COUPON FAIRY! Did a nice “Coupon Fairy” leave some coupons by a product in your store? UNLESS you plan on buying that product right then, LEAVE THE COUPON!
- DO NOT RESELL YOUR COUPONING PRODUCTS! You stockpiled products, Now you are going to turn around and sell them on Ebay or on Craig’s list? REALLY? If you have to EXTREME COUPON, what about turning around and donating those products? I can guarantee you that there are shelters in your area that could use these products!
Bottom line, no matter if you are couponing to help your family financially (which many many of us are now of days just to put food on the table) or if you are couponing to donate to your local shelters, lets all follow the rules and put an end to the rude couponers! Being a couponer is hard enough, with the actions above, this is exactly why we are getting the comments from other shoppers in line with us, or the attitude from some cashiers. Not to mention the restrictions stores are putting on coupons and transactions now. If things do not change, in a few years, or even less there will be NO STORES allowing coupons, and where will we all be then? Those of us who do coupon ethically will be wondering again how we can put food on the table, and the “RUDE Stockpiling GREEDY Couponers” will be left with a stockpile full of pantry moths! (Oh wait…and some silky smooth legs for years to come)
I agree with all of the above plus The giveaways.. I saw a post where a few people had 3-or 4 computers on the Downy unstopables givaway.. Come on people , Just get your one and let others get at least one and if there are any left ,then get them.. Being greedy will get you no where… Just had to vent on that one.. Thanks…: )
Love this post! I wrote a similar one not too long ago. My friends cousin got banned from two publix’s for doing some of the things you mentioned. He bought TONS of those CG $8/2 Q off ebay and then made $4 on every Q and publix gave him cashback or some nonsense. Then he went and SOLD all the CG stuff on ebay (who would buy makeup on ebay is beyond me!).
I have seen people at flee markets selling razors and stuff but i have no idea if they couponed to get it or what but the stuff wasn’t that expensive.
thank you. love this post. My mom and I have been couponing for yrs way before this stupid tv how came out. And now because of certain * greedy coupon ladies* most of the stores in our area have changed – which makes it hard on us who really need the product.
I to have seen and talked with people cleaning out shelves. I live in a small town in Georgia and the women here are church going people but when it comes to this they are so greedy. Had one lady buy up all the tylenol patches from the local walgreen’s and cvs and then she said after she stocked pilled them all she said we don’t even use tylenol in our family. And this same *church* woman trying to make profit off of what she got most of them for free.
Its greed. Plain and simple
I absolutely agree! I don’t why people are suddenly acting crazy! It makes things that much harder for people who coupon the right way to get what they need. Some people need to get some sense!
I agree with you entirely! I get so frustrated when I go to Wal Mart especially when they are ALWAYS out of stock of free items, i.e. KY Jelly, razors, etc. I can almost never get the products I have coupons for there!
Thanks for the great article! I’m just a small-time couponer and had no idea this was going on out there!
Amen! I couldn’t agree more on everything, it’s so frustrating to go out on a Sunday morning and see empty shelves 🙁
I agree 100% with this post. I usually do order 99.9% of my larger quantity items just to be fair. I hate clearing the shelf, it is disrespectful, greedy, and just disgusting. If you are creating a stock pile…you don’t need to take EVERYTHING. Someone is actually going to need that item without a coupon so why prevent that person getting what they need! Also for the reselling. That’s just horrible. One day I was bored and I searched ‘stockpile’ on Craigslist. There were at least 10-15 posts about selling their stockpile. One was even all trial sizes! And 2 of the posts were from a couponer I know!!!