Secret to Keeping a CRYSTAL CLEAR Fish Tank…
Yup, you heard me right…If you want to keep a healthy, clean, fish tank, DO NOT EVER CLEAN IT COMPLETELY! Why you ask? Let me explain…
When you start a fish tank, it is unestablished…YOU DO NOT have any beneficial bacteria in your water to eat the ammonia the fish produce when they go to the bathroom. That is why when you start a fish tank, YOU NEVER want to overload it with fish right away…You only add two or three for the first few weeks, depending on the size of your tank to get the beneficial bacteria built in your tank. If you completely stock your tank right away, within a short time the water will fill with ammonia, get cloudy, and your fish will die off FAST. (Imagine swimming in straight ammonia)
If you add fish to your tank slowly, it gives the beneficial bacteria time to build on the rocks in your tank, and the more and more it builds, the more and more it will eat the ammonia waste of the fish, keeping your water CRYSTAL CLEAR!
Which brings me to cleaning your Fish Tank. SO MANY people make the mistake of cleaning the plants, the rocks, and draining their tank all the way or even half of the way to clean there tank. NEVER EVER do this…You will get rid of all that GOOD BACTERIA that eats the bad!
ALL YOU have to do is get a tank siphon, clean noticeable debris with your siphon once every two weeks ONLY taking the tank down 10 percent with the water and then top it off with fresh water! YOU CAN GO YEARS having a crystal clear fish tank by doing ONLY THIS on a regular basis! Of course you still need to change your filter cartridge as suggested for your filter. In between changes, washing it off helps also.
If right now you have a VERY DIRTY tank… Clean it, BUT DO NOT clean the rocks off, you will lose all that beneficial bacteria. It would also be a good idea in this situation NOT to change the filter out if you are going to start all over. This will leave beneficial bacteria in the rocks and in the filter to give your tank a “Kick Start.”
wow tysvm…I had to have it crystal clean..everything…there is where I went wrong! tyvm!!