Hi! I want to ask you if you have heard of the deal site dailysteals.com? I almost posted this question on your wall but I thought I would ask in private. Anywho…I was about to purchase a digital camera for my four yr old from this site about five minutes ago until I read the product description. What if anything do you know about this site? I thought you would be the best person to ask bc you seem pretty knowledgeable about deals. The product description was really offensive and I’m just wond
ering if this is the norm or not. I have included a link for your viewing pleasure lol.
Ttyl Tiffany http://toys.dailysteals.com/
Hi! I want to ask you if you have heard of the deal site dailysteals.com? I almost posted this question on your wall but I thought I would ask in private. Anywho…I was about to purchase a digital camera for my four yr old from this site about five minutes ago until I read the product description. What if anything do you know about this site? I thought you would be the best person to ask bc you seem pretty knowledgeable about deals. The product description was really offensive and I’m just wond
ering if this is the norm or not. I have included a link for your viewing pleasure lol.
Ttyl Tiffany