100 Count Fla-Vor-Ice Giant Popsicles Variety Pack
$10.24 – Just 10¢ each!
Note: You must CHOOSE 1 Box, 100 Count with Drop Down
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Tired of handing out the same old candy every Halloween? Want to be the house that is the talk of the Trick or Treaters? Think outside the wrapper! Hand out Fla.Vor.Ice pops (unfrozen)!
Now I know there are “healthier options,” and if you do that, that is GREAT! But there are a few reasons I have done Fla.Vor.Ice pops the last few years!
1) Everyone seems to LOVE these, kids and adults a like! (Maybe for us kids it is just a bit more nostalgic) But take a look at them, they are colorful and don’t they just give you that smiley feeling inside? I know they do me!
2) They are tamper resistant! If they have been tampered with in anyway, a parent can tell! (I also put an address label on all of mine, I sure get enough of these free through out the year)
3) It is something different for the kids! I can not tell you the times I drop them in a pumpkin or bag and a kid pulls them out and shows them to his friends or parents with a “AW COOL” being spoken!
4) You can pick these up at pretty much any store towards the end of the summer clearenced. You can get a whole box for just a few bucks!
So, if you are undecided what to hand those little ghost and goblins this year, keep Fla.Vor.Ice Pops in mind, the kids will Thank You!
~ Micki Streeter
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