We get several questions on our page on how to price match at Walmart so I decided to give you some tips that I have learned through trial and error. Please understand that not every Walmart is the same when it comes to price matching, so it is always best to check FIRST before shopping.
You do the price matching at the register when you check out.
First Tip:
Always have the ad with you that you are price matching. Don’t assume that the cashier will have a copy. Sometimes they do have them at the register but it isn’t always guaranteed that they will. If the cashier has to go to another register to locate the ad it will only hold up the line thus making the cashier frustrated and any people behind you irritated because they have to wait.
Second Tip:
Tell the cashier you are price matching BEFORE they start your transaction, and ask if they want the price match items at the beginning or the end of the check out. This makes your transaction go smoother.
Third Tip:
Make sure the size item you are getting matches the item in the ad. They will not substitute in most cases.
The Walmart I shop at will NOT MATCH the above type of ad because it does not have a specific price listed.
But they will price match the above store coupon because it has a specific price for the item listed.
I hope these tips help to make it easier for you, and as I stated above it is always best to ask BEFORE shopping because each Walmart is a little different.
I have learned/figured these things out for myself and these are all true to my Walmart. I usually separate out all of the price matched items and put them all at the end of the whole transaction. I’ve had several cashiers thank me for that! I’ve never asked them when they want them, maybe I should try that and see if some would prefer them at the beginning…but it is definitely a lot easier for both of us to keep them separate from all the other items but still in the same transaction. Thank you for all of your help!
Jessica (Sund) Hoehn says
I have learned/figured these things out for myself and these are all true to my Walmart. I usually separate out all of the price matched items and put them all at the end of the whole transaction. I’ve had several cashiers thank me for that! I’ve never asked them when they want them, maybe I should try that and see if some would prefer them at the beginning…but it is definitely a lot easier for both of us to keep them separate from all the other items but still in the same transaction. Thank you for all of your help!